Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Implementing of HR Strategies

Implementation is the realization of an application strategy, plan, or any design for doing something. The capability in HR areas determine the successful or unsuccessful implementation of strategy in an organization include the ability to formulate and developing of strategic goals. Strategies must be state with clearly objectives and deliverable in order to effective in their implementing. But, it isn’t easy to implement the strategy in the field. Sometimes, term of strategic human resources management not more than a few generalized ideas about HR policies and describes a certain short plan only.
The problem that related to strategic human resources as stated by Gratton (1999) generally related to the gap or disjunction between rhetoric and reality and the area of human resources management itself. Gratton has been identified the factors that contribute to creating this gap include:
1. The diverse employees’ potential within organization that only accept they perceive to be relevant to their own areas.
2. There is a tendency for long serving employees to cling status quo
3. Ambiguous initiatives may not be understood by employees
4. The initiatives is seen as threat
5. Bureaucratic culture that leads to inertia
6. Inconsistent between strategy and corporate value

Barriers to the implementation
Every factors that made by Gratton can create the barrier to implement successful HR strategy. The others main barriers that met by specialist HR strategy when attempting to implement strategic initiatives are:
1. Failure to understand strategic needs of the business.
2. An adequate assessment of the environmental and cultural factors that affect the content of the strategies.
3. There has been badly digested analysis of best practice that doesn’t fit the organization requirement.
4. Inability to achieve ownership among managers
5. Failure to monitor and evaluate implement of strategy

Overcoming the barriers
To overcome the barriers, it is necessary to:
1. Conduct the initial analysis – it must be include business needs, corporate culture and external and internal environment factor
2. Formulate the strategy – should determine the rationale basic strategy and to propose the objectives, cost and advantages.
3. Gain support – to obtain support from top managers, employees generally and trade unions.
4. Assess the barriers – needed to expect the potential barrier
5. Manage change - in HR function managing change cannot be over-estimated
6. Prepare action plans – project plan indicates the stages of the implementation programme
7. Project manage implementation – involve monitoring progress and dealing with problems as they arise.
8. Follow up and evaluation – as the result of initiative.

Setting out the strategy
The following is an example of the headings under which strategy and plans for implementing it could be set out:
1. Basis
• Business needs
• Cultural factors that might be help or hamper the implementation
2. Content – details of proposed strategy
3. Rationale – business acts to strategy according to background of business needs and environment and cultural factor
4. Implementation plan
• Action programmed
• Responsibility for each stages
• Resources required
• Propose method to communication, consultation, training
• Management acts method
5. Cost and benefits analysis
Assess the resources cause of the implication plans and the benefits that will be acquired
However, there is no fixed standard model; all depend on the organization situation.


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